“The process of editing is what I enjoy most – putting the pieces together and making sense out of them.” – Christian Marclay

“The process of editing is what I enjoy most – putting the pieces together and making sense out of them.” – Christian Marclay

Experience Review

With short form content, you often only have 60 seconds to get across your knowledge, entertainment, or experience. Every second is precious and needs to work to capture the viewers attention.

People may consider it is “easy” to edit short form content but it has it’s own challenges that mustn’t be underestimated.


Informative shorts must be paced and provide enough visual stimulation to keep the viewer from skipping to the next piece of content. It helps if the information is interesting, but even if it isn’t, there are ways to keep viewer retention high. Movement, motion graphics, and sound design are vital.

Product Review

Just as with long form content, the intention of the piece of content will guide the edit. Product reviews need to explain all the information in a timely and efficient manner.

Car Review

Car reviews need to explain all the important features, quirks, and cons of the vehicle with a gracious flow in order to retain the attention of the viewer. The visuals and quality must be high in order to properly bring across the information.


Aesthetic and lifestyle videos don’t require quick cuts and a barrage of motion graphics and animations. The edit must be catered to the desired audience. Retention editing isn’t always necessary.

Vlogs w/ Voice overs

Vlogs and voice overs are a large market share of the content available on short form platforms. They require a mix of quick edits and pauses to let the content breathing. The intention of a piece of content, as well as the audience must be considered.