“To receive footage that has been shot with editing in mind, is a blessing.” – Thelma Schoonmaker

“To receive footage that has been shot with editing in mind, is a blessing.” – Thelma Schoonmaker

Editing is a language.

It’s not just music, transitions, and flashy effects thrown onto video footage. A great edit helps people connect with what they’re watching. At the highest level, great editing allows the viewer to get lost; to let go of all sense of time and outside worries.

Product Reviews

In a world of endless video content and ever-increasing competition, the difference between great and merely good can also mean vastly more views, subscribers, and sales.


Greatness is not merely a result of editing; a compelling topic, killer title and thumbnail, and truly interesting source material are all requirements.


Great editing can take many forms. Sometimes, all it requires is a few cuts in the exact right places. There are situations in which the editing should be felt rather than seen.


At other times, a bit of flexing in the edit bay can truly elevate a video. Motion graphics, sound effects, a cut timed perfectly with the music – used in the right situations, these techniques can make a video truly memorable; even worthy of multiple re-watches.


Knowing when to bring editing to the forefront and when to make it a silent background player requires experience and, above all, taste.

Music Videos

When you work with me, you’re not paying for technical expertise or all the cool sound effects libraries I own. Those are just extra benefits that come as part of the package. What you are paying for is taste and understanding of context. These are the main things I offer, along with quick turnarounds and excellent communication.